Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Avastin is doing its thing

(Left) the Marders at their Passover Seder.

We just returned from Chicago from my bi-weekly Avastin infusion. I also met with my oncologist, Dr. Nicholas who did a neurological evaluation of my brain function. The good news is that the Avastin has had a very positive effect for me. It appears that my brain swelling has decreased as judged by an increase in my peripheral vision and overall affect. Dr. Nicholas was extremely positive in his evaluation of how he thinks that the Avastin is helping me. Also, the infusion this week went well and was speeded up to last only 30 minutes in total. I experienced no side effects at all during or after the infusion.

To see a complete slide show of the Marders Passover seder click HERE

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Home for Passover

The Marder family all together for Passover. (Upper left to right) Thomas, David, Phil. (Lower left to right) Patty, Chaim, Sarah, and Nathan.